Season 3 Campaign 

Turn Five Results!

Queued Games!

There is one game left from turn three it needs to be played ASAP.

There are two games left from turn four, they should be played ASAP.

There was one game in turn four unable to be played due to prior games being unresolved and some problems with scheduling.

There are two games left from turn five, they should be played ASAP.


Welcome to Carolina's First and Only Season Three Campaign!  Similar to past campaigns - games will be Narrative Play (Crusade) using Power Level instead of points.  This season's campaign will run from April 18th, 2022 to December 12th, 2022 and by popular demand will be a map campaign.  

The goal of this year's campaign is to dominate the galaxy by holding systems and, depending on your faction, controlling specific systems on the map.  A full list of win conditions can be found on the Victory Conditions page.

To get started in the campaign use the Crusade rules sections to build out your Order of  Battle with two key changes:

Developer's Note: These two changes are in response to lessons learned from our last campaign.  The original Increase Supply Limit Requisition and 50 Power Level starting Order of Battle size were simply too small for players to even play 100 Power Level games by the end of the campaign and players even played 6-10 games.  This should also open up the possibility for players to play multiple sub-factions or at least be able to tailor options to opponents if they are not having success.

Artwork by Thomas Elliott

Quick Overview

Players will generally start off the campaign by creating an Order of Battle - at a minimum this Order of Battle should contain 25 Power Level worth of units and enough units to play a "Combat Patrol" (that means at least a Patrol detachment or Super Heavy detachment if playing Knights).  A good format to use to track your Order of Battle include any of the google sheets at tcrepo, reddit, or battle bunker.  Feel free to reach out to our discord if you need help.  

You may go over 25 Power Level (it is recommended to go to 50 Power Level initially) and may even fill your entire 100 Power Level roster at the beginning of your campaign.  Of course you can purchase Increase Supply Limit Requisition requisitions to increase your Order of Battle's roster even further.

Although you are not required to play games with painted miniatures - units that are fully painted will gain experience faster (per the House Rules) and playing games is always a great motivator to make progress in both building and painting.  After your army is ready, once the campaign starts each two week period will generally follow the below format:

A more detailed view of the campaign turns can be seen on the Campaign Turns page.

Campaign Turns and Map

The campaign will be played in two week turns.  Each turn will have four phases with players giving a strategic order and then having a little less than two weeks to schedule and play their games.  The four phases of a turn are: Strategy, Scenario, Battle, and Resolution.  A full description of the campaign turn is available on the Campaign Turns page.  To see the current status of the campaign map please see the Campaign Map page.  To submit your turn orders please use the google form.

House Rules

House Rules - to more adequately balance games and keep games moving quickly the linked house rules will apply to all games.

Victory Conditions - want to see the current victory conditions and campaign map?  This is where you find it.

FAQ - answers to some frequently asked questions.

Submit Turn Orders - Once every two weeks makes sure you submit your turn orders.

Submit Battle Results - Send them in through the google form.

Special Rules Submission - Need to absorb biomass?  Take over a system with diplomacy or foretell to the doom of the galaxy?  Use the linked form.